Click HERE to view the names and schools of all Spokane Scholars.

Each year 165 very bright and hard-working students are selected to be Spokane Scholars.  Of all the students who have graduated from our region's high schools in the past 32 years, there are only 4,200 Spokane Scholars.  Our Spokane community is very proud of all these scholars.

Click HERE for the names of all prior Spokane Scholar Monetary Award Recipients.

Being selected a Spokane Scholar is a major achievement by itself.   However, each year from among these outstanding scholars, four individuals are identified in each of the six academic categories (English, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Languages), and each receives financial awards from the Foundation of either $1000, $2000, $3000, or $4000.  These 24 individuals are selected by panels of judges whose professional experience directly relates to the respective academic category.  Judges pledge impartiality and are guided in their selections by the same set of  criteria used in the initial Scholar selection by participating schools. 

These awards are matched in kind for one year by the Foundation's "Participating Colleges and Universities", noted on a separate page. 


"Receiving the award was one of my finest achievements.  It gave me the confidence to reach for the stars,  and I would like to sincerely express my gratitude towards those who made it possible.  It was a wonderful night."  - A Spokane Scholar